Banking services and software for

Banking services and software for

Banking services and software for

credit originators

credit originators

credit originators

From debt issuance to payment methods and bank accounts, we provide technology enabling any company to offer credit products.

From debt issuance to payment methods and bank accounts, we provide technology enabling any company to offer credit products.

From debt issuance to payment methods and bank accounts, we provide technology enabling any company to offer credit products.

Debt issuance

Debt issuance

Debt issuance

Issuance of credit contracts for non bank lenders, using our banking license. On screen management and API integration available, automating debt issuance and assignment flow integrated to fund and securitization services.

  • Issuance by UI or API

  • Automatic assignment to credit funds' loan pools

  • NPV and acquisition price calculations

  • Scalability for high frequency issuances

  • Flexible structures with different pricing formats and amortization regimes

Commercial notes issuance and bookkeeping

Commercial notes issuance and bookkeeping

Commercial notes issuance and bookkeeping

Managing any type of commercial note, our platform is ready for both corporate and structured operations, as well as for standardized and high-frequency needs

  • Issuance of multiple formats via UI or API

  • Registration and validation of representatives and powers of attorney

  • Digital registering on centralized clearing and registration entities

  • Document generation via UI or API

  • Integration to digital signature platforms

Payment account

Payment account

Free movement accounts for debt collection especially designed for funds and securitizations.

  • Account creation via UI or API

  • Transfers via UI or API

  • Bank statement available via UI or API

  • Multi-user authentication and approvals

  • Integration with fund balance sheet and securitizations

  • Integration with reconciliation flows

Escrow account

Escrow account

Collection accounts with restricted operating permissions, with registration of different rules for double approval by counterparts.

  • Account creation via UI or API

  • Bank statement available via UI or API

  • Parameterization with specific operations rules

  • Integration with reconciliation flow

  • Multi-user authentication and approvals

Bank slips issuance

Bank slips issuance

Bank slips issuance

Generation of payment slips and "bolepix". Available for operations with recurring or adhoc billing, integrated with payment and escrow accounts.

  • Issuance via API or CNAB files

  • Integration with collection for billing schedule automation

  • Payment status via API

  • Renegotiation, registration and cancellation of issued slips

Central bank credit bureau queries

Central bank credit bureau queries

We offer integration for batch and individual queries within the Credit Information System, providing historical data for credit policy modeling.

  • Verification of financial exposure status by person or company

  • Range of debt maturities

  • API query for multiple, simultaneous consultation

  • History of debt exposure and payments

  • Processing and query logs available

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If your backoffice is a headache, come over the mountains

Get in touch

Our sales team will will get in touch for scheduling a call

If your backoffice is a headache, come over the mountains